Sunday, October 2, 2011

What is this blog about?

As future and current librarians, we want to share non-fiction materials with you that would be useful to students and youth who are looking for information about the American Revolution. Perhaps you are a teacher who has assigned a project that you need material suggestions for. Perhaps you are a parent looking to guide your child in their hunt for informational sources. Maybe you are a student who has stumbled on this page on your quest, or you just might be a fellow librarian looking for more materials for your school or public library. Whatever your purpose may be, we have searched and reviewed different sources and materials to find non-fiction books about the American Revolution for you.

What is our criteria?

  • the material should be appropriate for students age 8-14
  • the materials should cover a variety of perspectives of the history of the American Revolution
  • the material should be useful to teachers and/or students
  • the materials should have a curricular connection to the American Revolution
  • the materials have to be non-fiction (though there are some great fiction resources that can be connected in a unit on the American Revolution as well)